Trump’s Delusions of Competence|Paul Krugman NYT
No, businessmen aren’t economic experts. Source: Trump’s Delusions of Competence
No, businessmen aren’t economic experts. Source: Trump’s Delusions of Competence
Britain’s great European divide is really about education and class Source: A tale of two cities | The Economist
It’s a boon for the Democrats, though they need to be alert to its dangers. Source: Why Are the Highly Educated So Liberal? – The New York Times
Chris Riddell on a looming crisis for the prime minister Source: David Cameron’s referendum nightmare | Opinion | The Guardian
Laurie Garrett on the funding or, more correctly, underfunding of the key UN agency WHO (World Health Organization), which is supposed to look after global health issues – with grossly inadequate funding. With the world […]
Przeraża mnie, że ludzi nie chcą myśleć, jak to było w latach 30. XX wieku. Przecież to były straszne czasy dla wszystkich. Z jednej strony nazizm, z drugiej komunizm. Polska toczyła niemożliwą grę między Niemcami […]
FLORENCE was the centre of the Renaissance. By no accident, it was also at the time the centre of an industry that has marked the West no less: banking. And at the centre of that […]
Marcel Sternberger’s portraits of the famed Mexican artists manage to show his ability to deeply delve into the emotions and thoughts of his subjects. Source: Capturing the Love, and Psyches, of Frida Kahlo and Diego […]
The number of U.S. jobs in solar energy overtook those in oil and natural gas extraction for the first time last year, helping drive a global surge in employment in the clean-energy business as fossil-fuel […]
In early 2017, Poland was supposed to unveil what is perhaps the most ambitious museum devoted to World War II in any country. Yet the current Polish government, led by the conservative Law and Justice […]
Looking down at Tower Bridge and Canary Wharf from the viewing gallery at the Shard. Photo by @d_azia. #london #shard #travel A photo posted by New York Times Travel (@nytimestravel) on May 23, 2016 at […]
Amid a rising tide of unreason, critical thinking is more essential than ever. Source: Here’s Your Degree. Now Go Defeat Demagogues.
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