InFacts Read all about it! Brexit press coverage skewed!|InFacts
Reporting by Eurosceptic UK papers tilts heavily towards quitting EU, research shows. Source: InFacts Read all about it! Brexit press coverage skewed! – InFacts
Reporting by Eurosceptic UK papers tilts heavily towards quitting EU, research shows. Source: InFacts Read all about it! Brexit press coverage skewed! – InFacts
Source: Anton Shekhovtsov’s blog: Pro-Russian activism of Mateusz Piskorski detained in Poland
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s regime has taken control of the traditional media in Russia: TV, radio and newspapers. As Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has stated, the Kremlin sees the mass media as a ‘weapon’. […]
Source: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means and how to respond | World Economic Forum
An ambitious effort to overhaul The New York Times is beginning to come into focus. In a memo sent to staffers Friday, New York Times Executive Editor Dean Baquet outlined several steps in a projec… […]
Scania reinventa il concetto di filobus, lo applica ai camion e prepara la prima La prima strada elettrica al mondo. Source: Il Sole 24 ORE
Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? Source: What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour
At a spring garden party on the grounds of Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth II recently criticized the “rude” behavior of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s entourage during his 2015 state visit. But, given China’s hierarchical conception […]
Donald Trump understands minority communities. Just ask Pepe Luis Lopez. He’s one of Trump’s 7 million Twitter followers. One problem: he’s not a person. Source: Bots Unite to Automate the Presidential Election | WIRED
For Leave enthusiasts, every sane argument is only provocation to scream louder and play victim, for Stay enthusiasts, they have reason (remember Enlightenment? No, I thought so) on their side – which is not enough to […]
Australian engineers have edged closer to the theoretical limits of sunlight-to-electricity conversion by photovoltaic cells with a device that sets a new world efficiency record. A new solar cell configuration developed by engineers at the […]
On the whole an initiative well-thought out and outlining a programme Europeans can get behind – although I have serious reservations about point 3: 3. The third initiative should deal with management of refugee flows. […]
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