If sanity ever regains a foothold in the UK – I am not holding my breath – perhaps the endless concessions which Murdoch won from prime ministers, from Thatcher onwards, should be scrutinised and, as far as possible, rolled back. The real winner of the referendum is not Farage, Boris or any of the Leave stooges, but Murdoch and his fellow billionaire right wing press barons, with their stable of tabloid newspapers and TV, which have been brainwashing the populace for the last 40 years. Until they managed to bamboozle the gullible to vote against their own interests. With Cornwall and Wales now discovering that they received lots of money from the EU which, apparently, they were not aware of and voted for Brexit. Cameron shot his own foot when he ignored the conclusions of the phone hacking commission to set up a press watchdog with teeth – and it came back to haunt him and cost him his job, as lies spread by the tabloids ultimately made the referendum possible then won it.