So Mr. Krupa sat down to pen a complaint that EU migrants living in the UK, working, paying tax and contributing to the economy, are ignored by the politicians, press and public opinion. And the best argument he can offer is that they are eurosceptical too:
The migrant community I know best, Poles living in the UK, are no federalist Europhiles. Many share the British calls for EU reform…
There are many perfectly valid reasons to be Eurosceptic or willing to leave theEuropean Union. However, if Britain pulls out primarily because of a xenophobic and economically simplified assessment of immigration, do not expect the “highly-skilled professionals” to want to stay either.
Of all the good arguments he could have offered, he tried to reassure the British hosts that Poles are bigots too. If one reads what the current Polish government is up to, there is no need to belabour the point.
We don’t have a say in the referendum, but the politicians and press talk about us as if we are an underclass who cannot read – and it’s terrifying