Les intellectuels égyptiens justifient le coup de force mené par l’armée|Le Temps


Les intellectuels égyptiens justifient le coup de force mené par l’armée

C’est un de ces cas qui exigent une vraie refléxion, pas seulement une réaction automatique et manichéenne de bon-mauvais, massacreur-massacré. Mon commentaire sur l’article de The Economist résume ma pensée: For once, you can’t think according to the usual patterns: free elections=good, military taking power=bad, demonstrators=heroes, police=brutal, etc. Unfortunately for formulaic thinkers, the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular, are extraordinarily complex and not all the rights and wrongs can be easily assigned to one side or the other – or the many other sides. The elections were heavily manipulated in favour of one side, which used and abused its power to write the constitution to serve only one side, to the exclusion of all others. Etc, etc. That’s one case where all the formulae go out of the window and you have to do some original thinking – at the risk of getting it wrong, or getting it right only for a certain amount of time, until the situation changes radically again.

