Les décodeurs : Toute l’actualité sur Le Monde.fr.
Les décodeurs – Découvrez gratuitement tous les articles, les vidéos et les infographies de la rubrique Les décodeurs sur Le Monde.fr. Source: Les décodeurs : Toute l’actualité sur Le Monde.fr.
Les décodeurs – Découvrez gratuitement tous les articles, les vidéos et les infographies de la rubrique Les décodeurs sur Le Monde.fr. Source: Les décodeurs : Toute l’actualité sur Le Monde.fr.
Source: How conservative media helped the far-right take over the Republican Party – Vox
Source: Europe’s Attackers From Within by Joschka Fischer – Project Syndicate
Source: La ONU alerta de que la independencia judicial en Polonia está amenazada | Internacional | EL PAÍS
Elisabeth Braw is all excited about Poland’s armed forces and thinks that democracy should not be an issue for Europe in order to take advantage of Poland’s military potential, ignoring the troubling links between Polish […]
Why House investigators think this company might have helped Russia spread fake news. Source: Cambridge Analytica, the shady data firm that might be a key Trump-Russia link, explained – Vox
Stephen Kotkin tells the story of the fateful night in 1941 when, after years of mutual nonaggression, Germany finally attacked the Soviet Union. Source: When Stalin Faced Hitler | Foreign Affairs
In most of Europe, the anniversary of the start of World War II was little more than a historical curio. But in Poland, the place where the conflict began, September 1, 1939 still casts a […]
In 1932 and 1933, millions died across the Soviet Union—and the foreign press corps helped cover up the catastrophe. Source: How Stalin Hid Ukraine’s Famine From the World – The Atlantic
As US officials investigate potential collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign, the series of reports by the former UK intelligence official Christopher Steele are casting an ever darker shadow over the president Source: The […]
Source: DUI: La gran mentira | Blog Això va de democràcia | EL PAÍS
The Tories want to ignore Putin’s Brexit role and Labour is complicit with Putin’s mafia state Source: Russia’s free pass to undermine British democracy | Nick Cohen
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