Ill Fares the Land | by Tony Judt

Mon 20/02/2017

Something is profoundly wrong with the way we live today. For thirty years we have made a virtue out of the pursuit of material self-interest: indeed, this very pursuit now constitutes whatever remains of our […]

European language and Erasmus

Sat 10/09/2016

Should all EU business be conducted in English? I think all EU members and languages deserve respect, not just one. Forcing everybody to speak one language, however convenient, would alienate the rest of the EU […]

Suggestions for the EU

Thu 08/09/2016

1. EU citizens should be allowed to vote for European Parliament elections wherever they may live – in their home country, in another EU country or outside the EU. Millions of EU citizens live in […]

Pérez-Reverte, sobre moros y cristianos – Zenda

Sun 04/09/2016

Spanish writer Arturo Perrez-Reverte series of four articles on the West and Islam (in Spanish): Los godos seguirán llegando en oleadas, anegando fronteras, caminos y ciudades. Están en su derecho, y tienen justo lo que […]

Apple, Ireland and the Spanish connection

Fri 02/09/2016

RTÉ’s Europe Editor Tony Connelly looks at the Apple ruling and the possible impact of a similar case involving Spanish bank Santander. Source: Apple, Ireland and the Spanish connection

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