Muslims Are the True Feminists

Thu 30/06/2016

Before we do anything else, we need to conduct an easy test: we, men and non-muslim women, accept to wear the various forms of modest Islamic garb for a week in summer or, better, while […]

Britain, we love you, but bugger off already

Sun 26/06/2016

Let’s see in how many we love you… Britain and the Brits have always been popular and loved in Europe, for various reasons, some of them entirely irrational. Brits were seen as cultured and elegant, […]

Brexit hangover – who won the referendum?

Sun 26/06/2016

If sanity ever regains a foothold in the UK – I am not holding my breath – perhaps the endless concessions which Murdoch won from prime ministers, from Thatcher onwards, should be scrutinised and, as […]

Please Leave | Foreign Affairs

Sat 25/06/2016

It’s bound to raise some hackles – and that’s a good thing. …the United Kingdom remained a marginal partner, but the price it exacted for its arbitrage was exorbitant, including exemptions from membership rules—the United […]

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