36 Hours in Southeast London|NYT

Sun 08/05/2016

Beautiful shots The neighborhoods in Southeast London are among the capital’s most energetic, with lively streets, tempting restaurants and a spooky cemetery. Source: 36 Hours in Southeast London


Sun 08/05/2016

240000/2400=100. L’objectivité est une chose excellente, le gouvernement par la division et la diabolisation de l’opposition plutôt non. Le message de l’opposition est d’entente et tolerance, celui de l’extrème droite de haine et division, qu’elle […]

Aedes Aegypti|Time

Fri 06/05/2016

This magnified photograph shows an Aedes aegypti mosquito–the species capable of transmitting the Zika virus, whose primary threat is to pregnant women. The virus is linked to a spike in severe birth defects, and there’s […]

Sex Talk for Muslim Women|NYT

Fri 06/05/2016

I realized I had to speak frankly about my own sexual experience to free others to do so, too. Source: Sex Talk for Muslim Women

Czym kusi populizm? | Kultura Liberalna

Thu 05/05/2016

Rozbicie Europy to zły pomysł, ale to nie oznacza, że ludzie nie spróbują wcielić go w życie. Populistyczni politycy nie oglądają się na konsekwencje? Samo to, że coś nie może działać lub nie działa, nie oznacza, że ludzie […]

Trump and the Lord’s Work|NYT

Thu 05/05/2016

To get the nation’s politics unstuck, the intransigent version of the Republican Party had to be destroyed. Source: Trump and the Lord’s Work

Javier Solana: Brexit’s Questions for Europe

Sun 01/05/2016

In three months, British citizens will vote on whether or not to remain in the EU. But they are not the only ones who must consider their political future; the upcoming referendum also poses important […]

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