EU policies

Thu 28/04/2016

New issues come up every day – and every day we miss an opportunity to run the EU rationally. I wouldn’t say that we only have issues which can be neatly apportioned between populists on one […]

20 minutes|More Germans leave Switzerland

Thu 28/04/2016

Well, the UDC is obtaining what it wants, on many levels: top professionals, from countries with full employment like Germany, leave because they can. Others go as soon as they can. So the only ones […]

Wind and Solar Are Crushing Fossil Fuels|Bloomberg

Sun 24/04/2016

The best minds in energy keep underestimating what solar and wind can do. Since 2000, the International Energy Agency has raised its long-term solar forecast 14 times and its wind forecast five times. Every time global wind power […]

Jerofiejew: Rosja strzela z baśni|GW

Sun 24/04/2016

Putin poszedł w ślady Stalina. Rozpoznał rosyjską baśniową przestrzeń, zrozumiał, że ma ona konkretnych wrogów i zaczął gromadzić rosyjskie ziemie utracone po rozpadzie ZSRR. Wielu zachodnich polityków i dziennikarzy sądzi, że Putin oszalał. A wedle […]

Tomas L. Friedman: Out of Africa|NYT

Fri 22/04/2016

Friedman gives probably the best description of the problem I’ve seen so far. You don’t stop this kind of migration with a paddle boat, or a warship, particularly if people are ready to sink their […]

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