Relying on Turkey ‘leads to blackmail’, Tusk says

Fri 22/04/2016

Making deals with dodgy authoritarian governments, presents dangers – it goes without saying. While EU governments bicker and lose ground to populists, we are dropping the ball on fundamental policies like defence of EU borders. The […]

Thu 21/04/2016

Na kilka godzin przed wieczorną premierą do katedry białostockiej, na której wisi napis “Jubileusz miłosierdzia”, wchodzi w dwóch kolumnach około 50 osób trzymających flagi ONR z symbolem Falangi. Dwuszereg staje na całej długości od wejścia […]

What Sex Means for World Peace | Foreign Policy

Thu 21/04/2016

In the academic field of security studies, realpolitik dominates. Those who adhere to this worldview are committed to accepting empirical evidence when it is placed… Source: What Sex Means for World Peace | Foreign Policy

Thomas L. Friedman: Out of Africa|The New York Times

Wed 20/04/2016

A farming village too parched to sustain crops is also losing its men, who leave in search of work to support their families. Source: Source: Out of Africa, Part II – The New York Times

The island where nothing makes sense|BBC News

Wed 20/04/2016

Matthew Teller roams Ascension Island, a volcanic outpost of empire where it’s hot and cold at the same time – and nobody’s sure who’s in charge. Source: The island where nothing makes sense – BBC […]

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