Newtek Video Toaster 4000 1994 Video
From a friend on Facebook: Digital Video editing on Amiga computers back in 1994. You might recognize in this promo young Will Wheaton from Star Trek or later… Big Bang Theory. Maxx of music, video […]
From a friend on Facebook: Digital Video editing on Amiga computers back in 1994. You might recognize in this promo young Will Wheaton from Star Trek or later… Big Bang Theory. Maxx of music, video […]
Dopo il caso delle minigonne vietate negli uffici di un quartiere di Amsterdam, c’è da chiedersi se in nome del rispetto di altre culture come quella islamica si possa imporre limiti a conquiste costate anni […]
The idea that your biological sex will determine the sex of your brain has a controversial history – what’s the latest thinking? Source: Are male and female brains really different? | World Economic Forum
In three months, British citizens will vote on whether or not to remain in the EU. But they are not the only ones who must consider their political future; the upcoming referendum also poses important […]
“In my opinion, all women are idiots. It may strike you as ironic, but I’m absolutely sure that women are stupider than men.” Those words weren’t spoken by a Communist-era Russian industrialist, but by Maria […]
Coal-state politicians who won’t listen to environmental arguments should take a look at where the big money is headed. The grave environmental damage from coal-fired power plants has done nothing to deter the Senate majority […]
The Economist | Buttonwood: Tough choices
Anne Applebaum: Why would the Dutch vote for chaos and war, and against trade? I am mystified.
None of these people would be alive if, in October 1978, a Scottish cargo ship hadn’t stopped in the South China Sea to rescue 346 refugees from a stricken fishing boat. Chris McGreal tells a […]
Mientras en España vemos El Ministerio del Tiempo o el programa líder de audiencia de la temporada, en Alemania están ya descansando en la cama. En Italia, donde han cenado a las 19.30- 20.00, están […]
It doesn’t look as if they’ve heard of the U3A in the US, but still, it makes a lot of sense to keep creative and mobile, rather than taking medication. Music, dance, poetry, painting and […]
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