Newtek Video Toaster 4000 1994 Video

Fri 01/04/2016

From a friend on Facebook: Digital Video editing on Amiga computers back in 1994. You might recognize in this promo young Will Wheaton from Star Trek or later… Big Bang Theory. Maxx of music, video […]

Javier Solana: Brexit’s Questions for Europe

Thu 31/03/2016

In three months, British citizens will vote on whether or not to remain in the EU. But they are not the only ones who must consider their political future; the upcoming referendum also poses important […]

Wall Street’s Retreat From King Coal|NYT

Tue 29/03/2016

Coal-state politicians who won’t listen to environmental arguments should take a look at where the big money is headed. The grave environmental damage from coal-fired power plants has done nothing to deter the Senate majority […]

The Economist | Buttonwood: Tough choices

Sun 27/03/2016

The Economist | Buttonwood: Tough choices

En España tenemos horarios muy raros|El País

Fri 25/03/2016

Mientras en España vemos El Ministerio del Tiempo o el programa líder de audiencia de la temporada, en Alemania están ya descansando en la cama. En Italia, donde han cenado a las 19.30- 20.00, están […]

Using the Arts to Promote Healthy Aging|NYT

Fri 25/03/2016

It doesn’t look as if they’ve heard of the U3A in the US, but still, it makes a lot of sense to keep creative and mobile, rather than taking medication. Music, dance, poetry, painting and […]

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