What’s a Palestinian? | Foreign Affairs

Mon 14/03/2016

It is not often that politicians make public pronouncements about the historical origins of national identities, but the Palestinian identity is a unique case. It has long been the source of controversy and mystery. Source: […]

The necessity of culture|The Economist

Sun 13/03/2016

In Italy, until Renzi and, particularly under Berlusconi, culture was a word not used in polite company and political circles. Berlusconi preferred bling to ancient ruins. Italy has, for decades – not to say for […]

What Next for Feminism? : Intelligence Squared

Thu 10/03/2016

Anne-Marie Slaughter is the Washington power player who upset the feminist applecart. At the peak of her career — as first female Director of Policy Planning at the US State Department — she turned her […]

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