Internet Trolling as a hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia | StratCom
Source: Internet Trolling as a hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia | StratCom
Source: Internet Trolling as a hybrid warfare tool: the case of Latvia | StratCom
As even Tim Berners-Lee has recognised, the volume of data with which we’re being bombarded prevents us from engaging in genuine debate Source: We need a social media with heart that gives us time to […]
There is a glaring omission in this story: left and extreme left wing parties and groups don’t get a mention, while they are unstinting in their support of everything Islamist and tireless in their condemnation […]
Une équipe de journalistes raconte dans le documentaire “ConspiHunter” – chasseurs de conspirations – comment elle a piégé des adeptes de théories du complot en utilisant leurs propres codes. Source: Comment des journalistes ont piégé […]
If Putin was trying to use refugees to topple Angela Merkel, then Aleppo was a step too far, Norbert Roettgen, the head of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee, has told EUobserver. Source: Is Putin trying […]
Patty McCord created a remarkable corporate culture – pity that it chewed her up and spat her out, in the end. Probably the only management principles I can identify with – apart from the only […]
La construcción en 1915 de la actual línea del TRAM estuvo trufada de sobrecostes y comisiones, incluyó un capítulo de crudos conflictos sociales en Dénia y no salvó de su aislamiento a poblaciones como Xàbia […]
Powerful Russians want to drive a wedge into the EU and are fighting for Moscow’s dominance. Confidential emails reveal how they are influencing the Greek government. Source: Russia-Greece: Caught in the web of the Russian […]
Source: Home – InFacts
Confronted by the daily avalanche of naïve nonsense or outright mendacity about the Middle East in the Western media, academia, and sometimes governments, I am haunted by something a Syrian friend told the “Syrian Journal” […]
“The West” is regularly seen as some combination of loss of moral values, imperialism and drone attacks — a description reminiscent of the Star Trek Borg species that assimilates into and then destroys other cultures. […]
Poland’s political crisis is escalating at breakneck speed. At the opening of Parliament in November, the Law and Justice party used its new majority to… Source: Obama Is Poland’s Only Hope | Foreign Policy
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