Is Putin trying to topple Merkel?

Thu 11/02/2016

If Putin was trying to use refugees to topple Angela Merkel, then Aleppo was a step too far, Norbert Roettgen, the head of the Bundestag’s foreign affairs committee, has told EUobserver. Source: Is Putin trying […]

‘Occidentophobia’: The Elephant in the Room

Sun 31/01/2016

“The West” is regularly seen as some combination of loss of moral values, imperialism and drone attacks — a description reminiscent of the Star Trek Borg species that assimilates into and then destroys other cultures. […]

Obama Is Poland’s Only Hope | Foreign Policy

Fri 29/01/2016

Poland’s political crisis is escalating at breakneck speed. At the opening of Parliament in November, the Law and Justice party used its new majority to… Source: Obama Is Poland’s Only Hope | Foreign Policy

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