Ignacio Sotelo: La gran catástrofe griega
Es difícil imaginar un Gobierno tan destructor para su pueblo como el de Atenas Source: La gran catástrofe griega
Es difícil imaginar un Gobierno tan destructor para su pueblo como el de Atenas Source: La gran catástrofe griega
Greece has never transitioned to the 21st century. It is a charming, laid back place, with its beautiful landscapes, ancient history and delicious food. This is perfect for tourism, but little else. Had the Greeks […]
Referendum Grecia, Tsipras: “Nessuno può ignorare la determinazione di un popolo” Viva la democrazia, che però non rimpiazza la solvenza. E questo il voto non può risolverlo. Con tutte le gesticolazioni del mondo, o qualcuno […]
La beauté de ses gratte-ciel, son ambiance de fête qui ne tourne jamais au vinaigre… Il faut arrêter de dénigrer les Britanniques de la classe moyenne qui y passent leurs vacances, explique le journal londonien […]
L’auteur de l’amendement sur le droit au panorama explique sa position sur son site du Parlement Européen: Vous êtes nombreux à me solliciter concernant ma position sur le droit de panorama, suite à l’adoption en […]
Desde el Kremlin se observará el ‘Grexit’ como la revancha por la desaparición de la URSS Source: Delitos y faltas | Internacional | EL PAÍS
On 9 July 2015, the European Parliament might destroy photography. The Freedom of taking photos in public places is under attack. Until now, in most countries in Europe you were safe to take and publish […]
I agree with David Schrok: if countries feel that they cannot share the ideals and goals of a united Europe, they should feel free to go – or be encouraged if need be. I believe […]
What is commercial exploitation of a picture of a public building? Magazine, postcard, website? The licensing procedure would be so cumbersome that the thought is just ridiculous. From the moment a building is visible in […]
The whole point of elections and referenda seems to be to contradict the experts. Voters have a way of changing their mind at the very last minute, as we saw during the latest election in […]
Giles Merritt says Germans have become the EU’s foremost movers and shakers, and occupy its political institutions’ top posts. Source: What is Germany’s vision for Europe? – Agenda – The World Economic Forum My take: Being […]
Andare a caccia di congiure è attività diffusa. La rete ne è piena. Ma basta appena qualche accorgimento per scoraggiarla Source: Come vincere l’ossessione dei complotti fasulli – Repubblica.it
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