Tony Blair on Labour after the GE2015 defeat

Sun 10/05/2015

Tony Blair, the former three time British PM, published an opinion piece in the Guardian: Blair on Labour. With all the stupid things Blair did during his long life in office and afterwards – tripped up […]

Being absolutely pro-life – selectively

Sun 03/05/2015

Pro-lifers are a charming, coherent bunch. Defend life at all costs – except for the death penalty, universal gun ownership and indiscriminate killing of whoever gets in your way or is even vaguely suspicious. Being […]

The Economist: Europe v Google Nothing to stand

Sun 03/05/2015

The Economist: Europe v Google Nothing to stand on “Europe is right to worry that it lacks big digital platforms. But reining in Google is no solution” Instead of complaining about the leaders, in this […]

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