Photography for travellers
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your travel and photography. Source: PHOTOGRAPHY for travellers
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your travel and photography. Source: PHOTOGRAPHY for travellers
The long read: The case for cuts was a lie. Why does Britain still believe it? Source: The austerity delusion | Paul Krugman | Business | The Guardian
Mediapart publie les textos d’un responsable russe désireux de «remercier» le FN pour son soutien à l’annexion de la péninsule ukrainienne en mars 2014. Quelques mois avant que le parti ne reçoive d… Source: Au FN, […]
Sion Air Show 1997 shot by Richard Azia
Eurovision News Exchange newsroom, on a quiet weekend, probably in 1988. Some of the vintage equipment seen in the footage: DEC Vaxmate desktop terminal with CPU extensions, connected to a VAX system (Digital Equipment Corporation, now defunct) […]
Video shot in the Eurovision News newsroom, including EVC (Eurovision Control) and Planning, 1st September 2006. Video and editing: Richard Azia. Visit Richard’s production site
U3A Jávea Spanish Culture event organised by Angela and Tony
Il Califfato ha il suo “esercito”, con gerarchie carriere, stipendi e un consiglio militare. L’antiterrorismo europeo ha ricostruito Source: Droga, 100 dollari al giorno e il bollino nero sulla licenza, così combatte un miliziano dell’Is – […]
In The Atlantic Graeme Wood provides an extensive (and long: 29 pages) analysis of ISIS: – best analysis I’ve seen so far on the subject.
In an editorial in Il Corriere Della Sera Europe’s bad conscience, Ernesto Galli della Loggia claims that Europeans are incapable of thinking about their own security mainly because they are incapable of thinking about war, […]
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