WSJ: Ancient Rome’s Bridge to Nowhere

Sat 06/09/2014

The Wall Street Journal published a story on the ancient Roman bridge, Ponte Emilio in Rome: Ancient Rome’s Bridge to Nowhere. If you are interested in history and architecture, it’s an informative piece, well written. Unexpected […]

Quando si sputa veleno…

Sat 05/07/2014

Quando si sputa veleno, é meglio non mordersi la lingua: M5S: “Morto Giorgio sbagliato”, gaffe su Twitter per Debora Billi.

Death penalty

Fri 02/05/2014

Goggle+ post: Death penalty in the USA Nicodin Bogdan: Methods of Capital Punishment in the United States since 1887 . Such a shame you can’t choose firing squad anymore. And really, all of these execution methods are […]

In memoriam: Luca Prodan

Fri 25/04/2014

Curiosity can be easily satisfied with a quick search on the web – that’s how I learned about the fate of my childhood friend, Luca Prodan. We were not allowed to play together, after his parents decided […]

Russia and its neigbours

Mon 14/04/2014

Russia is using proxies very cleverly to achieve its aims and maintain deniability – congratulations FSB. This doesn’t make it any more legal or acceptable, but it’s a lot harder for the international community to do anything […]

Polska i sprawa Smoleńska

Sun 13/04/2014

Gazeta Wyborcza: Prof. Skarżyńska i prof. Raciborski u Kublik: Po katastrofie Tusk stracił radość życia i rządzenia Mam wrażenie że znaczna część Polski też straciła chęć do życia. nie tylko Tusk. Czy oni kiedykolwiek się odwalą […]

Hungarian elections April 2014

Mon 07/04/2014

Seeing a swastika used during an electoral campaign in Europe (or anywhere else) in 2014 proves that we have failed dismally in allowing it to happen, with nazis raising their head again. We should have […]

The Russians – villains or victims?

Wed 19/03/2014

I see Russians as warm, easy-going people, eternal victims of rulers ranging from psychopathic mass murderers to corrupt manipulators, with the exception of only two half-decent presidents they ever had: Gorbachov and Yeltsin, the latter […]

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