CNN: Russian upper house approves use of force in Ukraine
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Democratic Europe is paralysed in front of determined thugs – we saw it with Milosevic and we are likely to see it again. While we make pious calls for restraint and good will, chanting “why don’t we all get along?”, the bullies laugh in our faces and carry on. So we will just have to wait for the Americans, as always, to come put some order. We will breathe a sigh of relief and, under the American umbrella, proceed to criticise them and call them brutal and make back room deals with our main gas supplier. I hope that I will be proved wrong, this time.
We’ve learned with post-WWI Germany that people and, worse, countries with an inferiority complex, are extremely dangerous. Putin and Russia have a huge chip on their shoulder, busy as they are proving how macho and how strong they are. Putin may be tempted to show how tough he is and how limp we are.