A 2015 story – pity that it didn’t get any traction during the acrimonious EU Referendum debate about immigration. I have known – and still know – lots of Brits working abroad all over Europe and the world and thriving, unhindered by prejudice and fear. I only disagree with the sentence that they integrate happily – can you call integration when, after living for decades in a place you can hardly speak the language?
Why are so many of us leaving Britain? Is it the crap weather? The lack of affordable housing? The far-reaching ramifications of colonialism smoothing our way as we migrate around the world? A combination of the above? Whatever the reason, according to a new report from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Britain has a greater proportion of its citizens living overseas than any other European country.
Source: So many Brits now live abroad that they’re causing immigration debates. Oh, the irony