Europe’s new right sounds like the old left –
One day in 2008, a friend called to tell me that he thought the world might be coming to an end. He was not a religious fanatic; he worked in markets. Lehman Brothers had just […]
One day in 2008, a friend called to tell me that he thought the world might be coming to an end. He was not a religious fanatic; he worked in markets. Lehman Brothers had just […]
Russia has also reportedly lent money to Greece’s neofascist Golden Dawn, Italy’s Northern League and other anti-Europe parties Source: Russia funds French National Front: is Moscow sowing European unrest?| News | The Week UK
Mediapart publie les textos d’un responsable russe désireux de «remercier» le FN pour son soutien à l’annexion de la péninsule ukrainienne en mars 2014. Quelques mois avant que le parti ne reçoive d… Source: Au FN, […]
The FN was excluded from the Charlie Hebdo rally because, although Marine Le Pen is trying to make her party look respectable, it has a long history of violence, neo-nazi connections and negationism. Beside the […]
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