What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour|NYT
Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? Source: What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour
Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? Source: What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour
Source: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means and how to respond | World Economic Forum
Scania reinventa il concetto di filobus, lo applica ai camion e prepara la prima La prima strada elettrica al mondo. Source: Il Sole 24 ORE
Donald Trump understands minority communities. Just ask Pepe Luis Lopez. He’s one of Trump’s 7 million Twitter followers. One problem: he’s not a person. Source: Bots Unite to Automate the Presidential Election | WIRED
Australian engineers have edged closer to the theoretical limits of sunlight-to-electricity conversion by photovoltaic cells with a device that sets a new world efficiency record. A new solar cell configuration developed by engineers at the […]
This magnified photograph shows an Aedes aegypti mosquito–the species capable of transmitting the Zika virus, whose primary threat is to pregnant women. The virus is linked to a spike in severe birth defects, and there’s […]
Can I get addicted, what are the short- and long-term effects and what can make cannabis harmful? Key questions answered Source: What are the true risks of taking cannabis? | Science | The Guardian
Solar power is reshaping energy production in the developing world Source: Follow the sun | The Economist
Renewable energies have great promise and they start delivering, with prices falling down and efficiency increasing. A recent report commissioned by the French government (and hastily shelved before publication) states that France could do away […]
The idea that your biological sex will determine the sex of your brain has a controversial history – what’s the latest thinking? Source: Are male and female brains really different? | World Economic Forum
Coal-state politicians who won’t listen to environmental arguments should take a look at where the big money is headed. The grave environmental damage from coal-fired power plants has done nothing to deter the Senate majority […]
Source: The assembly of the future is already a reality with TESTIA’s SART system | AviationWorldNews.com
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