Anne Applebaum : Why would the Dutch vote for chaos and war, and against trade? I am mystified – Ukraine
Anne Applebaum: Why would the Dutch vote for chaos and war, and against trade? I am mystified.
Anne Applebaum: Why would the Dutch vote for chaos and war, and against trade? I am mystified.
Mr Lieven does such a good job at calming western fears about Russia’s aggressive stance on all fronts. A very emollient piece of propaganda, interpreting as voluntary restraint, every time Russia has been forced to […]
That is the thing with Stop the War. It is not anti-war so much as anti-West; a permanent howl of relativist anguish at NATO and its members. For example, the group could hardly be more […]
In CEPA’s latest report, Edward Lucas and Ben Nimmo describe the Kremlin’s ongoing disinformation campaign to subvert both international onlookers and its domestic population. CEPA Infowar Paper No. 1 describes the mechanisms Russia has employed […]
Russia’s aggression in Ukraine is part of a broader, and more dangerous, confrontation with the West Source: From cold war to hot war | The Economist
Russia is using proxies very cleverly to achieve its aims and maintain deniability – congratulations FSB. This doesn’t make it any more legal or acceptable, but it’s a lot harder for the international community to do anything […]
Russian trolls with Anglo sounding names are working overtime. Dozens of names, writing the same things in all the fora. Spewing venom and repeating trite and retrite anti-western platitudes. Good old Soviet methods updated for […]
The Independent posted on G+: State television presenter warns Russia could “turn the US into radioactive dust’ The Russian propaganda offensive, working overtime on the social networks – trolling every post even remotely referring to […]
CNN: Russian upper house approves use of force in Ukraine Linked in a post on G+ Democratic Europe is paralysed in front of determined thugs – we saw it with Milosevic and we are likely to […]
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