Death penalty

Fri 02/05/2014

Goggle+ post: Death penalty in the USA Nicodin Bogdan: Methods of Capital Punishment in the United States since 1887 . Such a shame you can’t choose firing squad anymore. And really, all of these execution methods are […]

Ukraine, Russia and the West

Mon 10/03/2014

No great power will lift a finger for a small country, unless its vital interests are at stake, translated more often than not to read=OIL. And the US is getting its energy independence back thanks […]

NYT: How to Get a Job at Google

Mon 24/02/2014

Thomas L. Friedman in the NYT: How to Get a Job at Google part 1 and part 2 writes about criteria used by Google to hire personnel. They stress the importance of cognitive ability, leadership, humility and […]

Facebook allows videos of beheadings

Mon 21/10/2013

BBC News: Facebook lets beheading clips return A few years ago we had a discussion at work on whether we should screen material containing extreme violence, showing beheadings of western hostages by terrorists in Iraq […]

L’implosion américaine

Sun 14/07/2013

Le rêve américain est en train de tourner au cauchemar. Un empire invincible qui est en train de se détruire tout seul. TDG: Le meurtrier de Trayvon Martin acquitté

FT: Obama crumbles as a liberal fantasy hero

Thu 04/07/2013

Well written piece, presenting different points of view in a balanced manner. And the conclusion is right: Obama has to balance a variety of pressures, in the real world. Financial Times originally shared: Why President […]

Thomas Friedman on Snowden|NYT

Tue 11/06/2013

Friedman opens with: “I’m glad I live in a country with people who are vigilant in defending civil liberties. But as I listen to the debate about the disclosure of two government programs designed to […]

David Brooks: The Solitary Leaker|NYT

Mon 10/06/2013

David Brooks: The Solitary Leaker writes about Snowden in the New York Times: “Though thoughtful, morally engaged and deeply committed to his beliefs, he appears to be a product of one of the more unfortunate […]

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