On the whole an initiative well-thought out and outlining a programme Europeans can get behind – although I have serious reservations about point 3:
3. The third initiative should deal with management of refugee flows. The EU-Turkey deal is not sustainable neither in practice nor ethically. Turkey is overwhelmed and smuggling is prospering on other routes. Europe must choose an alternative: receive, integrate and train refugees, but also ensuring good conditions if a return in their origin country is possible. It is not about receiving all refugees, but those keen to integrate our societies and accept our values. Such a policy will only be accepted by European citizens if Europe can improve their everyday lives.
Admitting unlimited amounts of migrants or refugees will undermine our culture and fragile unity, such as it is. And that’s a risk we should not take lightly, however well-meaning the reasons may be.
Whatever is the outcome of the British referendum, Europeans need change now. The issue is clear: How to counteract economic and political, but also moral and cultural marginalization of Europe? Our challenge is to reconnect with disoriented and unsatisfied citizens to recast an influential Europe able to carry out a project for the future and hope for all; otherwise we will fade away.
Without a new political momentum – designed with and for European citizens – we are facing the risk of a stronger rise of populism in Europe, the same that lead us to our quasi-annihilation. Although history may not repeat itself in the same way, the results would still be disastrous.
A precondition for new dynamics is to acknowledge our common successes: The European Union is the political, economic and social entity, which is the most inclusive, the least unfair and the most democratic, peaceful and diverse the humankind has ever known. “One of the greatest political and economic achievements of modern times” said President Obama. However, keeping Europe’s values and regaining its role as source of progress for all, requires a comprehensive, ambitious and realistic strategy.
Source: The Appeal of 9 May